Art History Centers - Phase IIIGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2011
Art History Centers - Phase IGrantmaking areaHigher LearningGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2004
Art History Centers - Phase IIGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2008
75th Anniversary EndowmentGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2016
Advanced Methods of AnalysisGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1972
Gallery's Building ProgramGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1976
Gallery's Building ProgramGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1977
Gallery's Building ProgramGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1975
Gallery's Building ProgramGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1974
Gallery's Building ProgramGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1973
Gallery's Building ProgramGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1978
Preservation of Arts at Carnegie-Mellon UniversityGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1971
Center for the Advanced Study of the Visual ArtsGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1970
Scholarly Publications - Center for the Advanced Study of the Visual ArtsGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2009
Treasure Houses of BritainGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1985
Museum Finance SurveyGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1992
Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts - Predoctoral FellowsGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1990
Center for Advanced Study in the Visual ArtsGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1982
Center for Advanced Study in the Visual ArtsGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1979
Center for Advanced Study in the Visual ArtsGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1978
Conservation ProgramGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1983
Imaging ScientistGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2006
ConservationSpaceGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2016
EndowmentGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1991
Library ConservationGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1980
ConservationSpaceGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2011
ConservationSpaceGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2010
Library Acquisition ProgramGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1972
Undergraduate Museum Internship ProgramGrantmaking areaHigher LearningGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2020
Conservation ProgramGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1987
Curatorial Fellowships EndowmentGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2007
David E. Finley FellowshipsGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1972
Carnegie Mellon University Research ProjectGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1974
Carnegie Mellon University Research ProjectGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1975
Curatorial Fellowships - Phase IIGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2007
Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts - Paul Mellon FundGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1986
ConservationSpaceGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2014
Scientific EquipmentGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2001
Photograph ConservationGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2010
Museum ProgramGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1989
Patrons Permanent FundGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1984
Patrons Permanent FundGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1985
A. W. Mellon LecturesGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1972
A. W. Mellon LecturesGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1975
New Century Fund EndowmentGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1994
David E. Finley FellowshipsGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 1975
Endowment for Scholarly PublicationsGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2004
Curatorial Fellowships - Phase IGrantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2002
Conservation Documentation Pilot Project [Inventory]Grantmaking areaArts and CultureGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2007
Historiographic Guide to Andean SourcesGrantmaking areaHigher LearningGranteeNational Gallery of ArtLocation District of ColumbiaYear awarded 2001